February 1, 2014


Jumpy picture at Annapurna Circuit, Nepal.
"How old are you Marta? 
-  I'm thirty years old.
- And you aren't married? No kids yet? You don't own a house? What about a job?
- No... I don't.
- You have to hurry up!"

This is what our society think, or what the mass media makes us to think. People don't think by themselves anymore, their mind is "programmed" to think when you turn 30 YOU HAVE TO live a serious life with this concept. But you don't. You live the way that makes you happy, not what others tell you what to do. Age is just a number and I don't feel 30 at all. The energy is not the same as you are 18, when you were partying all night long, no sleeping and next day working all day long. If I do something like this now I fall asleep at work :D

Age is what you make out of it. If you live happy, healthy food habits, exercice often, no stress, do whatever you enjoy, you will look younger inside and outside, you will smile to the universe.
Personally, I don't take life too serious. It's true that I take too many risks but this is what keeps me moving, challenging myself all the time. My inner child is so alive! I love to play around, a good laugh, not planning everything. As long as I'm not radical with my behavior I believe I can be young forever and ever.

Do you know about the 30 Crisis Phenomenon? It happens with people who have to much society pressure, many times because of their family who are always asking you when you get married with your partner or when do you have kids, because this is the way it should be. I know cases of parents who ask their sons and daughters to leave their home when their are 30 because it's time to start a family somewhere else.
What happens is that this 30 years old people believe this concept is true and they get a deep depression, they don't see any sense in their lives anymore because they didn't achieve what "was supposed".

Guys please!! Look at me!! I just turned 30 and...
 I'm not married and I don't know if I will marry;
 I don't have kids yet because I still want to do many things, but secretly I want to have 4 or 5 kids one day;
 I don't own a house because I don't know yet where I wanna live. For now I'm enjoying being a World Citizen and simply live in Planet Earth;
 I don't have a job. I have a job whenever  I want or I don't have money anymore. For now, I don't need a stable job, I don't want to seattle down because my heart is asking to travel more so that's what I'm gonna do.

Follow your heart even there are many consequences to deal with,  take the risk, it's worth it! At least you are doing what really makes you happy and your happiness is one of the most precious things you have in life.


  1. Olá Marta! Adoro os teus comentários no meu blog, especialmente o último! Também me tento afastar de pessoas que só sabem falar da vida dos outros, mas o meu problema é que a maior parte das pessoas que eu conheço são assim!! A minha paciência para estar com outras pessoas já é muito pouca, porque as conversas são sempre as mesmas... julgar e criticar os outros... ou então só se sabem queixar da vida...
    Ainda no outro dia falava com o meu professor de yoga por causa disso... Porque é que a maioria das pessoas é assim e por onde é que andam as pessoas assim como nós? Pessoas positivas, que não julgam ou criticam os outros, que acreditam no karma... enfim... acho que nós as duas iríamos entender-nos bem uma com a outra!

    1. Obrigada :) Ao menos que critiquem e arranjem soluções ou ajam! Criticar por criticar não me serve de nada.
      Resta-nos zelar pelo nosso bem estar e daqueles que amamos, se tiver que me afastar de alguém por estar a interferir com a minha sanidade, tranquilidade ou harmonia, farei. Longe vão os dias que tentava ajudar ao máximo essas pessoas, sugando toda a minha energia, neste momento penso mais em mim, mas sem esquecer ou sem interferir da felicidade do outro. São experiencias de vida!
      Como sou de Loulé-Quarteira e com tantos interesses em comum, qualquer encontramo-nos por ai, nalgum evento espiritual, por exemplo ;)


What's in your mind? Express yourself :)