April 1, 2015


All countries I never been are my dream travels but Japan is for sure that country that I'm really passionate about, the people seems to be so nice, the costumes so different, the food so delicious, the landscapes wonderful. Overall such a different country from all I've seen!

But it's an expensive country and so far I couldn't afford going to Japan, I didn't want to go only one weekend or a week, I wanted to explore the corners of the country.

Not so long ago I applied for a backpackers magazine of Japan, after a longgggg skype conversation I started dreaming about the day I'd move to Japan and have the experience of my life. But it was a far away dream. Today is not anymore!!! Yes, you are right, I was selected to work as a writer for the magazine. Am I excited?? Over the moon!! :)
I will tell more details later on, I just couldn't wait anymore and had to share this fantastic news with you guys.

Happy Fool's Day! :D 


  1. Ai! Agora fiquei sem saber se é mentirinha do 1º de Abril ou é mesmo verdade!! :D
    A tua vida é sempre tão excitante que esta apesar de ser para lá de espectacular encaixa na mesma no teu perfil!!
    Parabéns!! ( se fôr verdade ;) )

    1. Muahahah (riso malefico) adoro "celebrar" este tipo de dias, so mesmo para ver reacções das pessoas. Bem que não me importava nadinha mas se repares no final do texto diz "Happy Fool's Day! :D " Feliz dia das mentiras.
      Mas olha dou-te todos os creditos, nunca se sabe o que vou fazer nos proximos dias ;)
      Beijinhos e grata por comentares.

  2. I read you I read you but was waiting ....... lol so WAS this for 01/04 or for real????

    I will be back :D :D :D :D

    1. Hehe it was for april 1st =P I'm itching to travel Japan though =D

    2. oh noooooo I h8 those lol I started to get excited 4 ya ;)))

  3. Só li isto hoje e apanhaste-me, tenho a dizer! :P

    Que mazinha! Mas escrever para uma revista no Japão até eu queria!



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